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FOUR Audio Classes on
Healing at a
Cellular Level
with Luis Angel Diaz
One of the world's foremost authorities
on emotional healing
Healing at a Cellular Level
Audio 1: What is Cellular Memory Release?
Audio 2: How Beliefs create our patterns and behaviors
Audio 3: The Pain Body creates dysfunction and discomfort
Audio 4: Self-condemnation is slow suicide
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In our society, we have been raised to operate primarily "inside our brains" and have lost connection to who we really are. Because of this, we carry around a toxic mix of fear, shame, guilt and beliefs that we are flawed or incomplete. The result is suffering and pain at so many levels--physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
What's more, this pain becomes a part of our societal and genetic makeup, and gets passed down from one generation to the next. Luis Diaz's free audio classes will show you both how to undo the damage from this genetic programming, and heal your emotions at a deep, cellular level.
If you've heard about the "pain body" or "quantum healing", but didn't know how to apply them in your life, this 4-part audio course will give you the anwers.
Just enter your name and email in the form above,
and you will have INSTANT access to Audio 1 right away.
Then, you will receive a new audio every week until you have all four in the series.
Here is a breakdown of what you will learn in each audio course:
Course 1: What is Cellular Memory Release?
Course 2: How Beliefs Create Our Patterns and Behaviors
Course 3: The Pain Body in us creates dysfunction and discomfort
Course 4: Self condemnation is slow suicide
Who is Luis Angel Diaz?
Founder of the Body-Mind Center in Nevada City, California, Luis Angel Diaz is a holistic therapist and bestselling author of Memory in the Cells: how to change behavioral patterns and release the pain body. He is arguably one of the world's foremost authorities on emotional healing. With qualifications in dozens of different holistic therapies, Luis has been a holistic health practitioner for nearly 30 years, working with thousands of clients in Argentina and California. A major shift occurred in his work when he lost his wife unexpectedly at the age of 38, with whom he was raising their 3 children. The shock and pain he experienced became a catalyst for a profound inner process in human discovery wherein he discovered how layers of negative emotional charge accumulate and become stored inside our bodies. These blockages cause many body-mind chemical imbalances and challenges to our health and lives that prevent us from experiencing peace and wellbeing. Luis compiled his learning into a new set of techniques called "Cellular Memory Release" (CMR) which is the foundation of his book Memory in the Cells. He has trained and educated hundreds of people about CMR, and both and clients and practicing professionals have attested to the positive impact CMR has had upon their own lives and the lives of others.
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